The add-on descriptor is a JSON file (atlassian-connect.json
) that describes the add-on to the Atlassian application.
The descriptor includes general information for the add-on, as well as the modules that the add-on wants to use or
If you're familiar with Java add-on development with previous versions of the Atlassian Plugin Framework, you may already be familiar with the `atlassian-plugin.xml` descriptors. The `atlassian-connect.json` serves the same function.
The descriptor serves as the glue between the remote add-on and the Atlassian application. When an administrator for a cloud instance installs an add-on, what they are really doing is installing this descriptor file, which contains pointers to your service. You can see an example below.
For details and application-specific reference information on the descriptor please refer to the "jira modules" and "confluence modules" sections of this documentation. But we'll call out a few highlights from the example here.
Since Atlassian Connect add-ons are remote and largely independent from the Atlassian application, they can be changed at any time, without having to create a new version or report the change to the Atlassian instance. The changes are reflected in the Atlassian instance immediately (or at least at page reload time).
However, some add-on changes require a change to the descriptor file itself. For example, an add-on could be modified to have a new page module. Since this requires a page module declaration in the descriptor, it means making an updated descriptor available. Until that updated descriptor is re-installed into the Atlassian Product that change in the descriptor file will not take effect. To propagate a change in the descriptor to the Atlassian products, you need to create a new version of the add-on in its Marketplace listing. The Marketplace will take care of the rest: informing administrators and automatically installing the available update. See [Upgrades](/platform/marketplace/upgrading-and-versioning-cloud-apps/) for more details.
Validating your descriptor
You can validate your descriptor using this handy tool.
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{ "modules": {}, "key": "my-addon-key", "dependencies": {}, "name": "My Connect Addon", "description": "A connect addon that does something", "vendor": { "name": "My Company", "url": "" }, "links": { "self": "" }, "lifecycle": { "installed": "/installed", "uninstalled": "/uninstalled" }, "baseUrl": "", "authentication": { "type": "jwt" }, "enableLicensing": true, "editionsEnabled": false, "scopes": [ "read", "write" ], "translations": { "paths": { "en-US": "/i18n/1.0/en_US.json", "en-UK": "/i18n/1.0/en_UK.json", "zh-CN": "/i18n/1.0/zh_CN.json", "zh-TW": "/i18n/1.0/zh_TW.json", "tr-TR": "/i18n/1.0/tr_TR.json", "cs-CZ": "/i18n/1.0/cs_CZ.json", "da-DK": "/i18n/1.0/da_DK.json", "nl-NL": "/i18n/1.0/nl_NL.json", "et-EE": "/i18n/1.0/et_EE.json", "fi-FI": "/i18n/1.0/fi_FI.json", "fr-FR": "/i18n/1.0/fr_FR.json", "de-DE": "/i18n/1.0/de_DE.json", "hu-HU": "/i18n/1.0/hu_HU.json", "is-IS": "/i18n/1.0/is_IS.json", "it-IT": "/i18n/1.0/it_IT.json", "ja-JP": "/i18n/1.0/ja_JP.json", "ko-KR": "/i18n/1.0/ko_KR.json", "no-NO": "/i18n/1.0/no_NO.json", "pl-PL": "/i18n/1.0/pl_PL.json", "pt-PT": "/i18n/1.0/pt_PT.json", "pt-BR": "/i18n/1.0/pt_BR.json", "ro-RO": "/i18n/1.0/ro_RO.json", "ru-RU": "/i18n/1.0/ru_RU.json", "sk-SK": "/i18n/1.0/sk_SK.json", "es-ES": "/i18n/1.0/es_ES.json", "sv-SE": "/i18n/1.0/sv_SE.json" } }, "apiMigrations": {}, "regionBaseUrls": { "EU": "", "US": "" }, "dataResidency": { "realmPersistenceDays": 5, "maxMigrationDurationHours": 2.0 }, "cloudAppMigration": {} }
A boolean value indicating if the add-on is enabled for editions.
An alias for the app key, which is used for those operations which impose a limit on the length of app keys. For other operations, the longer key value will be used.
The alias key must be <= 32 characters in length.
, Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-._]+$
A human readable description of what the add-on does. The description will be visible in the Manage Add-ons
section of the administration console. Provide meaningful and identifying information for the instance administrator.
NOTE This field is reserved for Atlassian Marketplace. Any value provided will be ignored.
The version of the add-on. Upon registration of a new add-on version in Atlassian Marketplace, a value for this field is generated and subsequently provided to the Universal Plugin Manager.
Gives apps data residency information on realm persistence.
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{ "dataResidency": { "realmPersistenceDays": 9, "maxMigrationDurationHours": 2.0 } }
Allows an add-on to register callbacks for events that occur in the lifecycle of an installation. When a lifecycle event is fired, a POST request will be made to the appropriate URL registered for the event.
The installed
lifecycle callback is an integral part of the installation process
of an add-on, whereas the remaining lifecycle events are essentially webhooks.
Each property in this object is a URL relative to the add-on's base URL.
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{ "installed": "/installed", "uninstalled": "/uninstalled", "enabled": "/enabled", "disabled": "/disabled" }
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{ "key": "installed-addon-key", "clientKey": "unique-client-identifier", "sharedSecret": "a-secret-key-not-to-be-lost", "serverVersion": "server-version", "pluginsVersion": "version-of-connect", "baseUrl": "", "displayUrl": "", "productType": "jira", "description": "Atlassian Jira at", "serviceEntitlementNumber": "SEN-number", "eventType": "installed", "displayUrlServicedeskHelpCenter": "" }
Attribute | Description |
key | Add-on key that was installed into the Atlassian Product, as it appears in your add-on's descriptor. |
clientKey | Identifying key for the Atlassian product instance that the add-on was installed into. This will never change for a given instance, and is unique across all Atlassian product tenants. This value should be used to key tenant details in your add-on. The one time the clientKey can change is when a backup taken from a different instance is restored onto the instance. Determining the contract between the instance and add-on in this situation is tracked by AC-1528 in the Connect backlog. |
sharedSecret | Use this string to sign outgoing JWT tokens and validate incoming JWT tokens. Optional: and may not
be present on non-JWT add-on installations, and is only sent on the installed event. |
serverVersion | This is a string representation of the host product's version. Generally you should not need it. |
pluginsVersion | This is a semver compliant version of Atlassian Connect which is running on the host server, for example: 1.1.15 . |
baseUrl | URL prefix for this Atlassian product instance. All of its REST endpoints begin with this `baseUrl`. |
productType | Identifies the category of Atlassian product, e.g. jira or confluence . |
description | The host product description - this is customisable by an instance administrator. |
(optional) | Also known as the SEN, the service entitlement number is the add-on license id. This attribute will only be included during installation of a paid add-on. |
oauthClientId | The OAuth 2.0 client ID for your add-on. For more information, see OAuth 2.0 - JWT Bearer token authorization grant type |
When this payload information is POSTed to your Atlassian Connect service you may receive the user\_key
and user\_id
query parameters; these query parameters are both deprecated. Deprecated
If you wish to find out which user enabled your add-on then you should extract the context.user.userKey
or context.user.userName
data from the JWT token on the enabled lifecycle event.
The base url of the remote add-on, which is used for all communications back to the add-on instance. Once the add-on is installed in a product, the add-on's baseUrl cannot be changed without first uninstalling the add-on or upgrading to a new version. This is important; choose your baseUrl wisely before making your add-on public.
The baseUrl must start with https://
to ensure that all data is sent securely between our cloud instances
and your add-on.
Note: each add-on must have a unique baseUrl. If you would like to serve multiple add-ons from the same host, consider adding a path prefix into the baseUrl.
, Pattern: ^((https|http):\/\/.+|)$
, Format: uri
Allows an add-on to opt-into an active api migration.
Goal of this feature is to support API changes that could not be made backward compatible. Such changes will break existing apps that do not yet support new API version. The opt-in mechanism allows app vendors to communicate to host product what API changes they support.
See active migrations page for the list of currently active API migrations.
For more info about this feature see API migration Opt-in documentation.
The API version is an OPTIONAL integer. If omitted we will infer an API version of 1.
The intention behind the API version is to allow vendors the ability to beta test a major revision to their Connect add-on as a private version, and have a seamless transition for those beta customers (and existing customers) once the major revision is launched.
Vendors can accomplish this by listing a new private version of their add-on, with a new descriptor hosted at a new URL.
They use the Atlassian Marketplace's access token facilities to share this version with customers (or for internal use). When this version is ready to be taken live, it can be transitioned from private to public, and all customers will be seamlessly updated.
It's important to note that this approach allows vendors to create new versions manually, despite the fact that in the common case, the versions are automatically created. This has a few benefits-- for example, it gives vendors the ability to change their descriptor URL if they need to (the descriptor URL will be immutable for existing versions)
The regions and respective url this app is hosted on.
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{ "regionBaseUrls": { "EU": "", "US": "" } }
Gives basic information about the plugin vendor.
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{ "vendor": { "name": "Atlassian", "url": "" } }
Defines the locations of any translation files for your add-on. A translation file maps the localization keys for UI modules in your add-on descriptor to translated strings. You will need one translation file per language. To learn more, read Internationalization.
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{ "paths": { "en-US": "/i18n/1.0/en_US.json", "en-UK": "/i18n/1.0/en_UK.json", "zh-CN": "/i18n/1.0/zh_CN.json", "zh-TW": "/i18n/1.0/zh_TW.json", "tr-TR": "/i18n/1.0/tr_TR.json", "cs-CZ": "/i18n/1.0/cs_CZ.json", "da-DK": "/i18n/1.0/da_DK.json", "nl-NL": "/i18n/1.0/nl_NL.json", "et-EE": "/i18n/1.0/et_EE.json", "fi-FI": "/i18n/1.0/fi_FI.json", "fr-FR": "/i18n/1.0/fr_FR.json", "de-DE": "/i18n/1.0/de_DE.json", "hu-HU": "/i18n/1.0/hu_HU.json", "is-IS": "/i18n/1.0/is_IS.json", "it-IT": "/i18n/1.0/it_IT.json", "ja-JP": "/i18n/1.0/ja_JP.json", "ko-KR": "/i18n/1.0/ko_KR.json", "no-NO": "/i18n/1.0/no_NO.json", "pl-PL": "/i18n/1.0/pl_PL.json", "pt-PT": "/i18n/1.0/pt_PT.json", "pt-BR": "/i18n/1.0/pt_BR.json", "ro-RO": "/i18n/1.0/ro_RO.json", "ru-RU": "/i18n/1.0/ru_RU.json", "sk-SK": "/i18n/1.0/sk_SK.json", "es-ES": "/i18n/1.0/es_ES.json", "sv-SE": "/i18n/1.0/sv_SE.json" } }
Whether or not to enable licensing options in the UPM/Marketplace for this add on
The human-readable name of the add-on
A set of links that the add-on wishes to publish
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{ "links": { "self": "", "documentation": "" } }
Set of scopes requested by this add on
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{ "scopes": [ "read", "write" ] }
Valid values: none
, read
, write
, delete
, project_admin
...(Show more)
A unique key to identify the add-on. This key must only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, underscores, and dots. A key without an alias key value must be <= 64 characters in length. Where an alias key is provided, the length limit is increased to 90 characters
, Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-._]+$
Settings used for server to cloud app migrations
Defines the authentication type to use when signing requests from the host application to the Connect add-on.
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{ "authentication": { "type": "jwt" } }